Teaching Knowledge Test

This is an intensive course at B1 level for English teachers who are preparing for the Teaching Knowledge Test, called TKT. In a period of six months, this course will provide a concise revision of the contents evaluated in the three modules which make up the test. Additionally, this course provides exam practice activities in order to be famiiar with the types of questions.

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 to 10:00 pm

First day of class: February 6th

Last day of class: July 18th

S/200.00 per month

Further info at 959 468 560

Bank account: BCP 191-36726792-0-67 (Manuel Salas)

Send your voucher and your full name to masaca@gmail.com

You may also use YAPE: 999983922

Why prepare for the TKT with me?

I have forty years' experience as an English teacher and coordinator of the English area of prestigious private schools. I have also been in charge of the project and administration of several language institutes, and have ample experience as ELT advisor for prestigious publishers such as PEARSON, Macmillan and Greenwich, conducting workshops all over the country. I was the Academic Coordinator of the Program of Professionalization for Teachers in Service at the Faculty of Education of San Marcos University. Finally, I was the National ELT specialist for the Direction of Primary Education at the Ministry of Education.