B2 First

This is an intensive course at B2 level for anybody who is preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination, called B2 First at present. In a period of six months, this course will provide extensive grammar, vocabulary and exam practice activities.

Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 to 10:00 pm

First day of class: February 5th

Last day of class: July 17th

S/200.00 per month

Further info at 959 468 560

Bank account: BCP 191-36726792-0-67 (Manuel Salas)

Send your voucher and your full name to masaca@gmail.com

You may also use YAPE: 999983922

Why prepare for the FCE with me?

I have trained people for the FCE since 1997, and I have experience as an authorised Cambridge examiner for the FCE and CAE. I own a wide range of materials for a solid preparation, and provide personalised training for small groups.